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If you’ve unknowingly been signed up to a TPG Telecom plan without your permission then you could be a victim of identity fraud.

Identity fraud can occur when someone has used your ID or personal documents without your permission to sign up or upgrade a mobile service with TPG Telecom. This can happen when:

  • your wallet is lost or stolen.
  • someone has broken into your home or car.
  • mail that contains personal information has been taken from your letterbox, or from your paper recycling bin.
  • malware on a PC you have use has accessed personal data you have on that PC, or you have provided to a website you have visited.
  • someone who has information about you, such as a colleague, friend, roommate or family member uses your ID.

For more information on identity fraud and how to prevent it, visit the Scamwatch and the Australian Federal Police websites.

How to submit an identity fraud claim

To submit an identity fraud claim, please download and complete this form.



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