Bringing technology and people together:
Aman Kaur's inspiring career with TPG Telecom

Aman Kaur isn’t one to shy away from a challenge. No matter what is thrown her way, she takes it on with a smile and will proudly add it to her mountain of incredible accomplishments since joining TPG Telecom. A truly people-centred leader, Aman thrives on connection, and as our Program Manager, she says she’s never felt more connected to our people and purpose.

building strong foundations

Building strong foundations

“Not many organisations would give you those opportunities. Normally, you’re hired to do one thing in one area, so I feel quite blessed. I’ve worked in a different function every few years, so if anyone needs help and doesn’t know who to go to, they say, ‘Just go to Aman.’ Either I know the answer or I know someone in the business who does. They say I bring technology and people together.”

Every time Aman Kaur walks through Melbourne streets or travels to Sydney, she can’t help but take pictures of seemingly ordinary buildings. So much so that her husband sometimes worries he’s competing for her affection! But when Aman looks at these buildings, she sees so much more than their steel exteriors. She sees TPG Telecom’s complex fibre network and infrastructure within and is reminded of the years she dedicated to rolling them out.

“Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. The equipment was damaged, the shipment was held up, and there was flooding to contend with. All of those pressures just made us collaborate more, and it ended up being the best project. Even though it was delivered many years ago, there s still such strong bonds between the project team even external contractors are still regularly in touch with me.”

Leading this team is just one of Aman’s many accomplishments over her career with TPG. Since joining us in 2015, Aman has worked across a variety of teams, including mobile and fixed networks infrastructure, legal and business intelligence. Her adaptability and positive attitude have earned her a remarkable reputation in the process.

Energising the everyday

Energising the everyday

“No matter how busy my day was or how tired I am, I still feel energised at the end of it. The people I work with play a big role in that. They’re collaborative and fun, and they honestly make me feel stoked to come back to work on Monday morning. I hear so many jokes about the ‘Sunday scaries’ or the ‘Monday blues’ but at TPG, I wake up thinking, ‘It’s Monday. Awesome!’”

In Aman’s world, no two days look alike. Her role as Program Manager is a pivotal one in the many transformations TPG Telecom is undertaking.

“TPG and Vodafone merged in 2020, so we're still quite a young company. I think of it like a marriage when two people start living together, there's probably going to be a lot of duplicates. The same goes for our systems and processes you need to work out what stays, what goes and what s due for a refresh. Our products and brands are undergoing some key transformations, so there's a lot happening. It’s all very exciting.”

Invigorated by the variety of her role, Aman gets out of bed each day buzzing with energy about logging online. Her incredible team, although a state apart, makes work a place she always wants to be.

Working better together

Working better together

“The people keep me coming back. I feel very blessed that our amazing culture at TPG means that a problem shared is a problem halved. No matter how much is on my plate, I have a full team of people supporting me, and we all know that we’re in this together.”

Since being promoted in 2023, coincidentally, Aman is the only member of her team based in Melbourne. However, she relishes the days she spends in our Melbourne office connecting with people across other teams, and every opportunity she gets, she loves travelling to Sydney to connect with her team in person.

“The funniest thing was how many people were surprised I wasn t based in Sydney. They'd say, ‘I swear I saw you in the corridor the other day,’ or, ‘I see you all the time.’ I think it's because of the environment of collaboration TPG I'm part of the STEMPower team and I'm the co-chair of our REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) Network. You ll often see my face or hear my voice in the internal content we’ve created.”

Aman is also a very active volunteer. In addition to the TPG Foundation, which improves the health, wellbeing and education of Australian communities in need, Aman generously gave her time to various other volunteering organisations in the past year - St Kilda Mums, creating care packages for families in need, and Vic ICT for Women, supporting women in STEM and leading workshops for young girls interested in STEM careers.

“Whilst growing up, I used to accompany my mum when she did volunteer work. It’s all I’ve known throughout my childhood, and now even as an adult, I don’t know how to exist without volunteering. It’s something I’m passionate about for my daughter as well.”

In Aman’s busy life, a workplace where she can have flexibility, bring her full self and truly belong means a lot to her. She’s thrilled to have found all that and more at TPG.

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Hear from our people
Russell Turner

Russell Turner

General Manager - Consumer Sales

When Russell got a job in retail as a student, he never expected he’d stay for 20 years and more! That made him more driven than ever to create exceptional customer experiences in TPG...

Sandra Deluca

Sandra Deluca

Account Manager Enterprise & Government

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